Link to daily updates and information from the South Dakota Department of Health

Link to congregational resources from the South Dakota Synod


If during worship: We encourage you to return home, preferably with the help of family members or a member of your social circle, and call the COVID-19 hotline number listed below. You will be led through a series of questions to determine if you need to be tested.

• If you develop symptoms during the week, please contact your primary care physician to determine what steps need to be taken.

• If you test positive, the State Department of Health will initiate contact tracing. Your privacy will be protected in the process.

• If you are notified that someone with whom you had contact in worship or elsewhere has tested positive, it is advised that you self-isolate for 14 days and get tested if symptoms develop.

• We at Our Savior's will do follow-up cleaning and sanitizing as recommended by the Department of Health.

• Please stay home if you are not feeling well.

• If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office.

SD COVID-19 INFORMATION LINE: 1-800-997-2880