Get Involved

Our Savior's Quilters

Most Tuesday mornings, one can find from two to seven women back in the "3-in-1 Room," cutting, sewing and/or tying quilts that are given to high school seniors, or needy people near and far, or that are sold at the annual bazaar. They are always looking for extra hands. Men are also welcome!

Church Leadership

Our Savior's Church Council meets monthly to plan and organize ways to fulfill the congregation's mission to "learn, live and tell Christ's love, so that all may know God." Committees and task forces branch out from the council. Whether you consider yourself a leaders, a doer, or both, your gifts and talents are welcome!

Our Savior's Choir

Calling all musicians! From October through May, the choir rehearses typically rehearses on the first and second Sundays of the month at 9:00 a.m. and sings on the second Sunday during worship at 10:00. Lois Feistner directs and enthusiastically welcomes all singers!

Worship Band

Another well-appreciated musical group is the worship band, which typically leads worship on the fourth Sunday of the month using a folk liturgy written by Dakota Road. A couple of times a year, they also lead a country-gospel service, with old-time favorites. You are welcome to join in the fun!

Thrivent Action Teams

Got an idea for a service project, fundraiser or educational event? Thrivent Financial provides up to $250 in seed money for its members who want to help bring those ideas to fulfilment. Check with the church office or Jean Scheel for more information. Here Bob Brockman wheels in baby items for needy people as part of the annual "Baby Shower for Jesus" in January.